13 Things You Need To Know Before Starting Chemo | Cancer Journey


I'll share with you 13 things that you should know before starting chemo or radiation. This is all about being a cancer survivor and how you're going to so enjoy your life after this diagnosis.

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Today, we're going to talk about 13 things that you should know when you get that cancer diagnosis before starting chemo or radiation. And number 13 is the most important so stay tuned to the end for that one.

1. Does the hospital or the cancer center that you're going to do they offer genomic, genetic or tumor profiling testing.

2. You can have low dose cancer treatments.

3. Does your doctor physician whoever's taking care of your case? Do they offer nutritional treatments or nutritional support or nutritional teaching? Because what you eat does matter.

4. How will you know if a treatment is working?

5. What are the risk factors of your diagnosis?

6. Do they offer physical therapy treatments, because chemo and radiation can actually deteriorate your bones.

7. It's all about vitamin D, we want a consistent vitamin D level above 70.

8. You need to understand toxins, love your fat cells and your fat cells love to grow fat cells once you have toxins.

9. If you choose to do chemo, then you want to ask the doctor is it okay if you do water fasting before and during treatment. water fasting is very important 12 to 24 hours prior to treatment during treatment, and then 12 to 24 hours after treatment.

10. Can you do alternative therapies along with conventional treatments?

11. You need to know ahead of time is our the people who are taking care of you who are helping you with this cancer treatment, whether you choose alternative or conventional. Are they looking at your cancer as a curative? Or are they looking at it as a palliative?

12. You need to know what percent of patients do they have, that were cured of this because of the treatment they're recommending to you?

13. Don't listen to the words that say we must quickly tackle this. We need to rush you in we need to quickly move in. We must move quickly. We must move fast on this. Those are scare tactic tactics, and they don't belong in your cure. In your treatment plan. Never be scared into doing something. Never let fear drive you to make an a decision if you receive a cancer diagnosis.

This content is strictly the opinion of Annette Reeder and is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. All viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Annette Reeder nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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