We 're back with a new "Bible Study With Me" series and this time we're going through the book of HABAKKUK! 🥳
Habakkuk is a minor prophet, and this book is unique from the other prophets in that instead of the prophet speaking God's Word to the people, it records Habakkuk's personal dialogue with God. In their exchange, we see Habakkuk wrestle with a question I think most of us have wrestled with at some point if we're being honest: if God is in control, why do evil people prosper? How is it possible that so much evil and injustice exists in the world, and God doesn't seem to be doing anything about it?
In this Bible study, we'll follow Habakkuk's progression from this place of being perplexed, to being at peace with God after wrestling through his honest questions. 💛
I'm so happy you're joining along for this series! Don't forget to leave a comment down below letting me know what stood out to you most from Habakkuk chapter one. 🤗
#Habakkuk​ #BibleStudyWithMe​ #Habakkuk1​
SUBSCRIBE: bit.ly/2mt8aWE​
Bible Project Habakkuk Overview - bit.ly/3c5Q7vN
Gary Hamrick Habakkuk Sermon "When God Doesn't Make Sense" - bit.ly/30j8O9G
When You Don't Understand Why Something Had To Happen - bit.ly/2Q2AkB7
Journaling Bible (The Daily Grace Co.): bit.ly/2P3Zogn
Journaling Bible (Amazon): amzn.to/2UYSSGJ
Scribe Bible Journal: bit.ly/2CF9c8M
Gel Bible Highlighters: bit.ly/2NK06fU
Hosanna Revival 5-Year Prayer Journal: bit.ly/3pGvaO2​​​​
Study Bible - bit.ly/399p4zP
Grace To You App: bit.ly/35qY3lN
YouVersion Bible App: bit.ly/3eVwUxk
Blue Letter Bible App: apple.co/2xc7Cdl
Journaling Pens: amzn.to/2yS9bgU
Bible Pens: bit.ly/3aGZFL3
Moleskine Journal: amzn.to/2SXSU29
VLOG CAMERA: amzn.to/2To7O1V​
SIT-DOWN CAMERA: amzn.to/31GKcH3​
SIT-DOWN LENS: amzn.to/31Ht6sy​
RING LIGHT: amzn.to/2Gpf3NA​
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“Look among the nations, and see; wonder and be astounded. For I am doing a work in your days that you would not believe if told. For behold, I am raising up the Chaldeans, that bitter and hasty nation, who march through the breadth of the earth, to seize dwellings not their own." | Habakkuk 1:5-6