Asking God "Why?"
The Peaceful Wife book
The Peaceful Mom book
I had never thought about how God or my husband felt being on the receiving end of my words until about 11.5 years ago. I knew I didn't like it when I felt people questioned my motives or when people asked me a lot of questions like they felt I wasn't making wise decisions.
But I didn't connect that Greg—and even God—might feel the same way when I asked them a lot of pointed why questions.
- God, why did You let this happen?
- God, why didn't You stop that?
- God, why did You give me this situation?
- God, why aren't You handling this the way I want you to?
- God, why did You say, "No?"
It made me realize that I want to be careful about how I approach God, too. I want to treat Him with the utmost reverence, respect, awe, and trust.
He is completely good. He can't have evil motives. When I ask "Why did you...?" to Him, could I be assuming He had wrong motives toward me or someone else? God doesn't lie. He is not tempted by sin. He doesn't have wrong motives. He isn't trying to hurt me. He wants to save me, heal me, transform me, and be glorified in my life. He wants what is best for me and every person on this planet. He wants to bring about His perfect will for me that will bring me great fulfillment, purpose, and joy.
And yet, He gives me free will. I can choose to sin. I can choose to rebel. So can other people. Sinful people can choose evil. Sinful people do hurt others, at times. God doesn't make anyone sin or tempt anyone to sin, though. I can't blame God for other people's sinful choices. They are responsible for their actions.
Then there is the enemy of our souls, Satan. He is totally evil. Everything he does is out of bad motives. I don't have to ask why Satan did anything. He does bad things because he is pure evil. He wants to hurt God and every person on the planet. He wants to steal, kill, and destroy.
The Lord welcomes our prayers. He welcomes our repentance from sin. He welcomes our faith. He can calm our doubts and help us in our weakness and struggles. He welcomes questions. But I want to check my heart and be sure I approach Him respectfully. I don't ever want to accuse the Lord of evil motives or wrongdoing.
Instead of asking God, "Why?" What if I ask Him things like:
- How do You want to use this in my life for good?
- This hurts! Would You please strengthen and heal me?
- What do You want me to learn?
- How do You want me to be a blessing in this situation?
- What spiritual treasures do You have for me?
- Will You help me trust You more?
- How can I praise You in this storm?
- What beauty do You want to bring about here?
- What blessings do You have for me in this trial?
- What is Your assignment for me in this?
- What sin do You see in me that needs to go?
- Will You please help me in my weakness?
- I don't understand right now but I know I will one day. Would you help increase my faith?
He is faithful. Even when we aren't. He is completely trustworthy. As we allow Him to help us see our skewed thinking and get rid of lies, He can help us build our lives on truth. This is how His perfect love can cast out all fear.
When we know how good He is and His motives toward us are without fault, we can trust Him. Even when He leads us through a dark valley, we know He is right there, leading the way, protecting us, providing for us, and bringing about blessing.
What Satan and sinful people intend for evil, our God can use for great good. We can be encouraged and rejoice in Him today!
Much love! ❤