Blessed Are Those Who Hunger - Tim Conway
When a person becomes a true Christian, they have been changed at the deepest level; in particular, they've been changed down to the level of their appetites and desires. The world and many professing Christians hunger after many different things, but very few people hunger and thirst after righteousness. Very few people feel a longing ache in their souls that can only be relieved by conformity to God's will and the image of Christ. Do you hunger and thirst after righteousness?
→ View on I'll Be Honest:
→ Preached at Grace Fellowship Manchester |
0:00 - Introduction / Opening Prayer
3:27 - Start of Sermon
8:25 - What is a Christian? That is a vitally important question for this hour.
11:36 - What do you hunger for?
20:24 - Hungering for Christ is something supernaturally given.
28:41 - Considering Matthew 5.6 - Hunger and thirst for righteousness.
31:57 - What is imputed righteousness - Romans 4.5, 5.19
37:03 - What is practical righteousness.
42:12 - How is righteousness used in Matthew 5.6?
50:02 - Do you just have worldly sorrow over your sin?
53:19 - Do you hunger and thirst for righteousness or physical blessings?
59:40 - God greatly emphasis the importance of commitment to the local church.
1:02:14 - How can we know if we are hungering and thirsting after righteousness?
1:19:09 - Closing Prayer