Theology Academy
Latest Uploads
Jerusalem: What does Archaeology say about its origins? (Biblical Archaeology)
What does the term Gospel mean? (Biblical Studies)
What is the New Testament? (Biblical Studies)
Old Testament: Brief Historical Outline 1 – Abraham to David (Biblical Studies)
Biblical Archaeology: Why do we excavate? (Biblical Archaeology)
The Letter to Diognetus: What do we know about it? (Church Fathers)
Free Will : How Does Christianity Define It? (Theology Academy)
Videos (55)
What do we know about the writings attributed to Athenagoras? (Church Fathers)
Tel Dan Inscription: How important is it? (Biblical Archaeology)
Didache: What is it? (Church Fathers)
Was the Holy Spirit fully God? – 4th Century (Church History)
Who were the Cappadocian Fathers? – 4th Century (Church History)
What split Christianity in two? – 5th Century (Church History)
The Eutychian Controversy: What was it? – 5th Century (Church History)
Was Christ fully God when he was born? – 5th Century (Church History)
John Chyrsostom and Augustine : What do we know about them? – 4th Century (Church History)
Summary on Language Spoken by Jesus Christ – Jesus Literacy (Historical Jesus)
What languages did Jesus speak? – Jesus Literacy (Historical Jesus)
Church History Full Series | 1st – 5th Century (Theology Academy)
Jesus’ Early Life: What do we know about it? (Historical Jesus)
Jesus’ Teachings: Did Jesus Have a Teacher? – Jesus Literacy (Historical Jesus)
Jesus writing on the ground: 5 Possibilities to what Jesus wrote – Jesus Literacy (Historical Jesus)
Could Jesus Read/Write? – Jesus Literacy (Historical Jesus)
Jesus Reading Isaiah: What can we learn from this incident? – Jesus Literacy (Historical Jesus)
Origin of the Hebrew Bible (Biblical Studies)
Law vs Grace : How did Thomas Aquinas reconcile them? (Moral Theology)
Thomas Aquinas and Free Will (Moral Theology)
Virtuous life : How did St. Paul define it? (Moral Theology)
Jesus’ Job: What does it tell about him? – Jesus Literacy (Historical Jesus)
Adam and Eve : The Fall – Genesis 3 (Biblical Studies)
Who are the Eastern Christians? (Church History)
Antioch: Why was it Important? (Church Fathers)
Clement of Rome’s Letter to the Corinthians: What was it about? (Church Fathers)
What can we learn from the creation story in Genesis 2? (Biblical Studies)
Polycarp of Smyrna: Who was he? (Church Fathers)
Ignatius Of Antioch’s 7 letters: What were they about? (Church Fathers)
What did the Early Church Fathers believe about Creation? (Biblical Studies)
Justinian and Theodora: Who were they? (Church History)
Ignatius of Antioch: Who was he? (Church Fathers)
Church Divided : What happened in AD 1054 Great Schism of the Church? (Church History)
Theology Academy : What is it?
The Story of Christmas: Who is Santa? Why do we give gifts?
The Story of Christmas: Why was God born as a Man?
Identity and Destiny of Humanity : How the Church Fathers understood them? (Biblical Studies)
How did the Catholic Missionaries establish the Church in England? (Church History)
Letter of Barnabas : What do we know about it?
John of Damascus : Who was he? (Church History)
Polycarp’s letter to the Philippians : What is it? What can we learn from it? (Apostolic Fathers)
How did the original recipients understand the creation story in Genesis 1? (Biblical Studies)
Genesis: A Tale of Land and Covenants (Biblical Studies)
Authorship of the Torah: Did Moses really write the Torah? (Biblical Studies)
The Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox Old Testament Canon (Biblical Studies)
The Old Testament Canon : Why are there two Old Testaments? (Biblical Studies)
Historical Jesus Full Series I Early Life – Education – Job (Theology Academy)
At Theology Academy, we strive to teach the tenets of Christian faith in an academic and disciplined manner to reveal the light of truth. Our goal is to Illuminate the human soul to realize its spiritual potential through the engagement of the disciplines. Our content is presented in the form of video tutorials on YouTube catered to stimulate the curious mindset of those in the twenty-first century.
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