Is a Near- Death Experience a Glimpse of Heaven? Ep. 1206: Christian Questions Podcast


Christian Questions


Near-death experiences  (NDEs) are common. They have been reported from cultures and religions worldwide for hundreds of years. In this near-death scenario, there is usually a dark tunnel with a warm and calming light at the end. Often there are deceased relatives waiting in that light to receive the person going through the experience. Sometimes the person feels and sees themselves leave their body. At Christian Questions, we have always held that the Bible teaches that death is the absence of life. Could these NDEs be shedding a different light and proof on this subject? Are these experiences showing us a gateway to the supernatural, or could they in any way be physiological? One way or another, NDEs prove something. This question is, what?

📁CQ REWIND SHOW NOTES and Study Questions📁

Here are some questions we answer in this podcast:

[00:15:40] How do NDEs differ among cultures and religions?

[00:30:39] How do we account for out-of-body experiences?

[00:46:42] What about accounts of NDEs happening while the brain is considered dead?

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