How To Trust God In Uncertain Times | A Timely Christian Inspiration


The Biblical Nutritionist


Learn how to trust God even in difficult times.
Here are 3 steps to trust God more and have stronger faith to get you through any circumstances.

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So today I want to share with you why trusting God matters and how to build your trust in him. Now listen to me. God knew when I was struggling that I was dealing with depression. I was eating, I was eating beyond what I should. He knew about my family problems. He knew about all of that and he still says in it, lean on me.

Right now, it may not seem natural to trust God. In fact, it probably won't because it's a discipline that you learn because it's a discipline that says, no. Wait a minute and I'm not going to worry about this. I'm going to trust God because worry is the opposite of trusting God and we've already, all of us have spent enough time worrying to last our entire lifetime. So God says, don't worry about this. I've got it. Just trust me. You know what? When you trust God with your health, it may not even make sense to you, your family or your doctor.
Proverbs 3.:5-6 says Trust in the Lord with all your heart, here's 3 Steps on How to Trust God Completely

Step one is to learn to lean not on your understanding and start listening to him.

Let go of what you think and listen to him. Trusting God frees your mind to see what God sees. Trusting God will free you because our vision is limited. And I am not in any way saying stop treatment. Stop Medicine. Any of that does stops you. I'm not. But I'm just saying, trust God with your health. Follow his principles. He has clearly outlined the principles to live a healthy life in scripture, but most of those principles are ignored today and we go surfing the Internet to find something to replace it. I'm not saying to stop what you're doing, I'm just seeing to stop leaning on your understanding of what is taking place and start leaning to him.

Step two, acknowledge him.

Isiah 55 says My ways are higher than your ways, this makes trusting so much easier, okay, scripture says back to our verse in proverbs, it says in all your ways acknowledge him. God is the only one who heals. Medicine does not heal. Food does not heal. God is the only one who heals. Now can he choose to use medicine to help you get better? Can he use food to help yourselves to get the nutrients that they need? Of course, but realize God is the one who created you and God is the one who heals you. So in everything in everything acknowledge him. And as we learn to lean on him, as we learn to acknowledge him, it's easier to trust him.

Step three is follow his direction.

The scripture says he will direct your path. He will tell you what to do. That's just it. We don't have to be confused. Caught up into this. Um, this windstorm of nutrition information and health information. It's, it's, it's crazy. It's like a hurricane of information. Trust God. He will tell you what to do. Many people that are watching this right now have a food identity issue. You equate food with comfort, love and stability. Food has no arms. Food has no feet. If food has no ability to say, I love you, here's what I want you to get. We need to stop going to food and trusting food to be there. It's there. The more we trust food to save us, the more food starves us from the love that our father wants to show us. Okay, I'm going to say that one more time because this is good. The more we trust food to save us, the more food starves us from the love our father wants to show us.


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