Lecture / Presentation
Lecture / Presentation
Basics of Biblical Hebrew – Session 1 – The Hebrew Alphabet
Basics of Biblical Hebrew provides 36 easy-to-follow lessons introducing the grammar and language of the Hebrew Bible. Integrated for use with today’s bestselling Hebrew text, it is an ideal resource for traditional students in need of additional instruction; for professors, who can now utilize precious classroom time for discussion and exercises and have students watch lectures at home; and ...
Daniel, A Video Study, taught by Wendy L. Widder, Session 1: Introduction to the Book of Daniel
Daniel offers a clear and compelling exposition of the biblical text, guiding viewers in how to creatively and faithfully live out the book's messages in their own contexts. Its story-centric approach is ideal for pastors, students, Sunday school teachers, and laypeople alike who desire to better understand the book of Daniel. In each lesson, scholar and author Wendy L. Widder explores a passa...
Isaiah, A Video Study, taught by John N. Oswalt, Session 1: Introduction
Isaiah features Old Testament scholar John Oswalt teaching through the book of Isaiah in short, engaging, and challenging lessons. Based on Oswalt's Isaiah commentary in the NIV Application Commentary series, these lessons bring the meaning of Isaiah into the twenty-first century. As Oswalt works through the book passage-by-passage, he comments on the text itself and then explores issues in Isr...
James, A Video Study, Session 1: Introduction
In this series, Craig Blomberg and Mariam Kamell Kovalishyn explore the book of James passage-by-passage. You'll gain insights into the background and meaning of the text and discover how the book's messages fit within its own historical context and within a broader biblical-theological context. These lectures examine the biblical text of James in its original environment, with an emphasis on ...
Jonah, A Video Study, Session 1: Introduction
Designed for pastors, teachers, and Bible students, Jonah, A Video Study, together with the accompanying Jonah commentary in the Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the Old Testament, brings to light the universal scope of God’s sovereignty and mercy. With careful analysis and interpretation of the Hebrew text, professor and scholar Kevin Youngblood traces the flow of argument in the book of Jon...
Leading Life Changing Small Groups, Session 1: Introduction
In Leading Life-Changing Small Groups, author and speaker Bill Donahue teaches small group leaders the basics of leading a successful group. Regardless of whether you’re leading for the first time or you’ve been leading for years, these sessions will enable you to more effectively facilitate group discussion and to encourage and support group members in a way that leads to authentic and lastin...
What Christians Ought to Believe, Session 1: Christian Creeds for Beginners
Bringing together theological commentary, tips for application, and memorable illustrations, What Christians Ought to Believe summarizes the basic tenets of the Christian faith using the Apostles' Creed as the entryway. Modern Christians have often hesitated to embrace the ancient creeds because of our "nothing but the Bible" tradition. In What Christians Ought to Believe, Michael Bird opens o...
God’s Glory Alone, Session 1: Soli Deo Gloria Among the Reformation Solas
Historians and theologians have long recognized that at the heart of the sixteenth-century Protestant Reformation were five declarations, often referred to as the “solas”: sola scriptura, solus Christus, sola gratia, sola fide, and soli Deo gloria. These five statements summarize much of what the Reformation was about, and they distinguish Protestantism from other expressions of the Christian...
1 Peter, A Video Study, Session 1: Introduction
1 Peter, A Video Study features scholar and pastor Dennis R. Edwards teaching through the book of 1 Peter in 17 engaging and challenging lessons. Based on Edwards’ 1 Peter commentary in The Story of God Bible Commentary series, lessons explain and illuminate each passage of Scripture in light of the Bible’s grand story. Edwards offers an engaging and probing introduction to the entire book of 1...
What Are the Gospels, and Why Are There Four of Them?
When people talk about "the gospel," there's only one thing they mean: the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are the four books of the Bible that record almost everything we know about Jesus. If we want to learn about the things Jesus said and did, we have to turn to these ancient texts, believed to have been written by eyewitnesses or people who spoke with them ...
What Are the Fruit of the Spirit and the Works of the Flesh
A truly Spirit-empowered believer is going to be obvious in their fruit. They'll demonstrate what Pauls calls "the fruits of the Spirit." He also points out that the "works of the flesh" are fairly apparent too." In his online course on Galatians, Thomas R. Schreiner teaches us about walking in the Spirit by contrasting these two lists. This video is adapted from Schreiner's course. LEARN MOR...