How to Make Pork Parmigiana | Rachael Ray
Watch Rachael show you how to make Parm with pork cutlets, which she serves with a colorful salad on the side.
Watch Rachael show you how to make Parm with pork cutlets, which she serves with a colorful salad on the side.
Pastor Andrew and Norine Brunson say Christian heroes can help strengthen your child's faith. The couple were missionaries in Turkey for 25 years but were arrested and put in prison in 2016. Norine was released after nearly two weeks, but Pastor Andrew was kept in prison for more than a year. He says thinking about Christian heroes like Richard Wurmbrand and how they held firm to their faith...
In this video, I'll be showing you how to make a Twitch logo the fast and easy way using Placeit. No Photoshop, Illustrator, or other design programs are needed for this method and you'll have a professional logo for Twitch, YouTube, and all your other forms of content in no time! PLACEIT 15% OFF DISCOUNT LINK: https://1.envato.market/eLPyO Starting a stream on Twitch, making a YouTube chann...
TryTank Explainer Video Series: Baptism What is Baptism? #TryTank #Baptism
How do you prepare your daughter for the road ahead? In this Broadcast Insider video, Kari Kampakis shares how you can prepare your daughter to be her own person in the years ahead by communicating the importance of good decision-making, prioritizing mental health, and picking good friends. Learn how you can connect with your teen daughter in Jim Daly's conversation with Kari: https://bit.ly/3...
In this OBS Studio tutorial, we'll be covering scenes, sources, and audio for beginners. This tutorial will not only help you get the building blocks of your stream built within OBS Studio but also give you the basics of OBS and how it works. Download OBS Studio: https://obsproject.com/ Placeit.net 15% OFF DISCOUNT LINK: https://1.envato.market/eLPyO For anyone looking to live stream or recor...
This video takes a deep look at God’s original intent for work, the ways the fall has muddied that vision and how a biblical, eternal view of work might change our day-to-day lives.
Watch John show you how to make a fall-to-winter cocktail with vodka, blood orange, pomegranate + rosemary.
These are my top 10 Discord hacks everyone needs to know for their Discord server. These 10 Discord hacks will take your Discord server to the next level and help you use Discord like a pro. NordVPN Discord Partner Program: https://nordvpn.com/discord Get NordVPN: https://go.nordvpn.net/SH3X5 Markdown Text Reference: https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/210298617-Markdown-Text-101-C...
The Christian faith is complex -- (Adam & Eve, Abraham, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit) -- but can it's basic core be Christianity be explained simply in 2 minutes? You be the judge :) LIKE & SUBSCRIBE — Don’t forget to ring the bell so you don't miss a thing! And perhaps you'd like these videos I created as well... "Jesus is God. These 33 Bible verses prove it in 5 minutes.." https://youtu.be/Ol...
Chrys Howard and Shellie Tomlinson tell parents take heart: Your children ARE listening. The authors of Rocking It Grand say that often parenting feels like it's repeating the same things over and over. These two grandmothers say as their children grew older, it became clear that their kids actually HAD heard the lessons they had tried to instill in them. The two encourage parents to take he...
In this video, I'll be sharing with you a HUGE Discord server mistake, the nuke button, that got my Discord server nuked on accident. I'll also show you the one Discord server setting you need to change to make sure this Discord server mistake doesn't happen to you! Creating a Discord server is one of the best decisions anyone can make when they are trying to build a community of people with a...
A delicious and healthy recipe of Ahi Tuna for the New Year! This is a perfect appetizer with so many different flavors coming together! In case you were wondering, this was shot during a beautiful Summer day - hopefully the sun re-appears soon! Subscribe to My Channel Here: http://bit.ly/SubscribeLittleLights Pre-Order My Cookbook here: http://bit.ly/TheSeasonedLifePreOrder Recipe Below: Lit...
The presence of evil, pain and suffering in our world is the most persistent argument raised against the belief in God. Usually it goes something like this... An all-knowing God would know evil exists. An all-loving God would want to prevent evil from existing. An all-powerful God could prevent evil from existing. But evil does exist. Now given that the fourth proposition would appear to be u...
Thank you so much for watching! Make sure to subscribe, like, and turn on post notifications for more! To make this hanger you will need: - Faux Leather Ribbon: https://www.hobbylobby.com/Fabric-Sewing/Ribbons-Trim/Ribbon/Cognac-Faux-Leather-Ribbon---8%22/p/80792535 - E6000 Glue: https://www.hobbylobby.com/Art-Supplies/Project-Supplies/Adhesive-Tape/E6000-Flexible-Adhesive/p/80985370 - Woode...
Watch Clinton Kelly show you how to make his easy baked shrimp with buttered breadcrumbs, capers + lemon.
Are Science and Religion (Christianity) in conflict? Have you got the notion from pop-culture that science and religion are in constant conflict? Like two rival boxers vying for the title of a heavyweight champ. We're reminded about the Catholic Church's opposition to Galileo, the Scopes trial, and more recently, the creation-evolution debate or discussions around stem cell research. It's c...
Grandparenting can be so much fun! That's what Chrys Howard and Shellie Tomlinson explain in their book Rocking It Grand. But the two friends share that it's important to keep in mind that a few things can take the "grand" right out of grandparenting if you're not careful. Chrys and Shellie say it's not really the role of grandparents to share everything on their minds about the problems that ...
With TimTheTatman leaving Twitch and streaming on YouTube, to debate just continues to rage on. YouTube VS Twitch, should you switch platforms like TimTheTatman did? OneCompress: https://www.onecompress.com/ Use code EAGLEGARRETT15 at checkout! The debate of YouTube VS Twitch as the best streaming platform has been going for a while now. Some say you should absolutely switch streaming platfor...
Watch Rach show you how to make a warm winter panzanella with roasted tomatoes and sauteed squash that's great as a main or side dish.
Who is the Christian God? What is the Trinity? Is the Trinity in the Bible? Watch the next video: "Jesus is God. 33 Bible verses that prove it." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OldNsQLiFBs God has revealed Himself in Scripture—as one God eternally existing in three Persons. Jonathan Edwards noted, after studying the topic, "I think [the doctrine of the Trinity] to be the highest and deepest o...
♡ So thankful that I had the opportunity to speak revival in England with the #HowToLifeMovement this year! I am also thankful for Care/Of for their amazing vitamins! Use my promo code KIRBY for 25% off your order: http://bit.ly/2zMPJPC .・゜゜・ FOLLOW ME! ・゜゜・. ♡ Twitter: http://www/twitter.com/kirbyisaboss ♡ Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/kirbyisaboss ♡ If you want to get in...
For further study, see - C.S. Lewis, "Mere Christianity" https://amzn.to/3b2F98I - James R. White, "The Forgotten Trinity" https://amzn.to/2wyB8tu - Jonathan Edwards, "An Unpublished Essay on the Trinity" https://amzn.to/2V3drmv God has revealed Himself in Scripture—as one God eternally existing in three Persons. Jonathan Edwards noted, after studying the topic, "I think [the doctrine of the ...
In this natural makeup tutorial, Ashley Bias gives me an easy everyday makeup look using my favorite COVERGIRL makeup products at the COVERGIRL Flagship store in Times Square NYC! Want more? Check out some of COVERGIRL's other makeup tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gHVA_vW-C0&list=PL1_vRQKoHSnzzraq3yT-3gA6MPY1RxYDb Make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the COVERGIRL YouTube channel: https://ww...
20 MIN at home cardio workout // No equipment // Faith and Fitness // Christian workout music // 2021 Christian Fitness // Kickboxing HIIT // No talk workout // low impact cardio workout options // Burn 200 calories in 20 minutes Welcome to Christ Glorified Fitness Romans 12:1-2 I'm Cristina your Christian Fitness Trainer #christianfitness #christianworkout #faithandfitness SUBSCRIBE ~ SHA...
In this video, I'll be showing you how to use Discord Events to make a Discord calendar. Discord events is a new feature they are rolling out to Discord servers in waves and will quickly become one of the handiest features for your Discord community. Sharing upcoming events in Discord has traditionally consisted of posting the event info in an "announcements" channel and hoping everyone gets a...
When Building Your Team, Play The Long Game Teams are the future – there’s no getting around it. But you’ve got to start thinking strategically about the long game BEFORE you build – and hire. Ask yourself: what am I really looking to achieve? It’s great to have that big team picture on the fridge but if you’re not making any money, what are you doing? This week on the Tom Ferry Podcast Expe...
Watch Rachael show you how to make an easy and tasty cross between Italian wedding soup and pasta, with lots of little meatballs + Parm.
How Do I Budget With A Low Income? Nix the guesswork and scrolling. We’ll connect you with investment pros we trust: https://bit.ly/3hc6Pgt Visit the Dave Ramsey store today for resources to help you take control of your money! https://goo.gl/gEv6Tj The new Borrowed Future uncovers the dark side of the student loan industry and exposes how the system is built to work against you. Watch Now: ...
Grow closer to God with the beautiful guided prayer journal from Walking with Purpose. It's a private space to share your thoughts and feelings with God, debunk lie-based thinking, and cultivate the practice of gratitude. Learn more at https://shop.walkingwithpurpose.com/collections/books-devotionals/products/praying-from-the-heart-guided-journal
Truth With Handles—Scripture applied to your everyday life—is a new how-to series from Walking with Purpose. In Episode 11: How to Live With Joy, Bible study author Lisa Brenninkmeyer, shares that joy is not found in a perfect state of affairs. Lisa provides two specific truths to help us grow in the virtue of joy. Learn more about Walking with Purpose Bible studies for women at walkingwithpurp...