You Could Marry the Wrong Person If . . .

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When you are dating, it is right to question if you are about to marry the wrong person. However, once you actually get married, this is no longer helpful to ask if this is the wrong person for you.<br />
When you get married, God says he wants you to stay married in almost all instances, although there are a few biblical reasons God would allow a divorce as explained in Matthew 5:31-32 and 1 Corinthians 7:10-16.<br />
So would God let you marry the wrong person? If you are single, yes, you could marry someone who God is telling you not to marry. However, if you are married already, God is now telling you that this is the person he wants you to be married to.<br />
One of the best ways to simplify the questions that come up when you begin to ponder how man’s free will and God’s sovereignty intersect is to simply focus on obeying what the word of God has said. God’s will for your life is ultimately for you to obey his word in your life.<br />
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