You can’t unknow this but you CAN do something about it


Revelation Wellness


You can’t unknow this once you hear it.

You’re not free if you’re addicted to something. Because addiction is worshiping the god of comfort. The god of convenience. The god of empty promises.

Sure, you’re watching this on your phone, and I’m just as guilty of spending way too much time on my devicES.

But God.

He knew how our present-day technology would be taking a toll on our brains, disconnecting us from a life well-lived, and stealing our peace, that REST was one of the major themes He taught Himself.

After the disciples came home celebrating all the wonderful miracles they did, Jesus took them aside and taught them how to REST. Because He knew, even things done with great passion or purpose, can drain us, or worse, become our god.

Turn on the phone limits. Delete the apps. Unplug the TV. None of it will matter if God’s not your true resting place.

You can’t unknow this now, but you certainly can do something about it. REST IN JESUS.

More from this teaching coming this week. In the meantime, sign up for the new @revelationwellness 21-day Challenge, Project Stress Relief. Join us with ANY tax-deductible donation for a mind & body reset like no other.

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