Would God Let You Marry the Wrong Person? (3 Answers)


ApplyGodsWord.com/Mark Ballenger

“Would God let me marry the wrong person?” Here are 3 possible answers to this important question. <br />
1. Once You Are Married, You Are Married to the Person God Wants You to Be Married to<br />
Answering this question is notoriously difficult because when you are dating, it is right to question if you are about to marry the wrong person. However, once you actually get married, <br />
God says he wants you to stay married in almost all instances, although there are a few biblical reasons God would allow a divorce as explained in Matthew 5:31-32 and 1 Corinthians 7:10-16.<br />
2. God Would Let You Marry the Wrong Person Because God Would Let You Enter Into an Unbiblical Marriage if You Choose to<br />
God does not cause sin, but he does allow it. If your relationship is sinful, you are choosing to be with the wrong person (Proverbs 19:3). <br />
3. God Would Let You Marry the Wrong Person Because He Is Able to Turn Anything for His Glory<br />
Rather than micromanage our lives, God is sovereign enough to bring about his will through our free choices. <br />
Full Article: applygodsword.com/would-god-let-you-marry-the-wrong-person/