Would God Let You Marry the Wrong Person?


ApplyGodsWord.com/Mark Ballenger

God Will Not Lead You to Marry the Wrong Person, but He Would Let You Marry the Wrong Person<br />
Another way to answer this question is to study the truths in the Bible regarding sin. God is sovereign over everything, which means that he allows or causes everything that happens. The Bible is clear that God never causes sin as James 1:13 and 1 John 1:5 teach us.<br />
The reason sin happens in our universe is because God allows humans to make choices. Sadly, in our sin we often take credit for the good God freely gives us in our lives while simultaneously blaming God for the bad we ourselves have produced through our own sinful choices, “A person’s own folly leads to their ruin, yet their heart rages against the Lord” (Proverbs 19:3, NIV).<br />
When we apply these truths to our question about God allowing you to marry the wrong person, it would be safe to say that God would let you enter into an unbiblical marriage but God would not be the one leading you into this unbiblical marriage.<br />
Full Article: applygodsword.com/would-god-let-you-marry-the-wrong-person/