Will There Ever Be Peace on Earth? Ep. 1371: Christian Questions Podcast


In our last episode about God’s vengeance bringing the end of the world as we know it, we examined several Old Testament prophecies that pointed to how God’s vengeance works in the dismantling of all vestiges of our present and sin-ridden world. When these dramatic prophecies are focused on without the context of the rest of God’s character, they are often understood to paint a bleak and harsh picture of who God is. In this episode, we will again focus on Old Testament prophecies. However, this time we will be looking at what happens AFTER the vengeance of God is exercised. What we will find is a breathtaking view of not only who God is, but what His plan REALLY has in store for ALL of humanity. If you truly want to know who God is, then follow along as we unfold the rest of the story!

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