Why Young People Are Leaving the Church and How We Should Respond -Áron Ablonczy


Two-thirds of young people in our churches drop out between the ages of 14-29. The departure of young people from churches is happening all across Europe. Why? How can we understand their reasons for leaving the church? And how can we lovingly and strategically respond? In this session, we will identify the best practices churches have discovered in loving and discipling young people. Through asking pointed questions and looking through a biblical lens, we will be able to find solutions for churches across Europe and learn how to love today’s generation the way Christ does.

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Áron Ablonczy is a pastor in Diósd, leader of the Youth Builders, and head of the Youth Department of the Reformed Church in Hungary. He has been serving with young people since 2010. He believes that the young generation is lovable and full of good insights and hunger for the Gospel. He loves encouraging others, discovering gifts, and helping others to discover them. He likes to network and organize because that's where he learns the most and sees that he is not alone. He is passionate about experimenting, researching, listening to others, and serving young people. Áron is husband to a super wife and dad to very dear Berta, Ilka, and Lili.
