Why the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge? Ep. 1362 Chrisitian Questions Podcast


Christian Questions

This may sound like an oversimplification, but I’m going to say it anyway: God is intentional. He always knows what He is doing and what it will eventually lead to. While this knowledge should serve as a great comfort to us, it can, because of our limited and imperfect minds, have the exact opposite effect. We may see things in the Bible that on the surface just don’t seem to click. We start wondering, why would God do it THAT way? It doesn’t make any sense! Take the two trees mentioned in the creation account. Both the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil were placed in close proximity to each other. They were both in the center of the garden. Why two trees? Why have one there to eat from daily and the other there to avoid?<br />
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