Why God gives us tests


Why God gives us tests....⁠

Just because you get a revelation, that moment of clarity when you realize "Oh, that's what that scripture means." The thing is, just because you understand it better than you ever have before, doesn't mean that the issues of life don't  still come up. ⁠

I think God gives a test a lot of times. Or multiple tests to confirm that you actually know the  thing in your heart,  but not just in your head. ⁠

Or,  like my daughter will come up and she's five, or six, and she'll say, "what's 10 plus 10?" She's so smart and  I'm like, "you tell me." And she's like, "it's 20." So she thinks she knows all there is to know about numbers. ⁠

I think that's what the Lord does to us sometimes where, we're like, Oh yeah, we get it. We get it now. And he's like, okay, good, good, good job. Good for you.  But not in a condescending way, but an actual lovingly calling us up. Yeah. ⁠

 It doesn't end. The wisdom and the revelation of God will never ever end.⁠

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