Why Catholics Should Care About Crypto


Crypto, Bitcoin, Blockchain... translation please? Maybe you're like me, and are slow to understand new technologies and these new ways of investing. Or maybe you're like my husband, and find this frontier fascinating and want to be an early adopter.

Whatever camp you are in, when I learned about the upcoming Catholic Crypto Conference, I was naturally intrigued. So I've invited Catholic Crypto Conference founder Matthew Pinto to join me on the podcast to chat about this exciting new frontier, why Catholics should care about Crypto,

Matthew Pinto has been at the forefront of multiple Catholic initiatives since the early 1990s. In 1998 he founded Ascension Press (Ascension), leading the Catholic publisher and media outlet to global prominence until 2021.

Matt is the founder of The Genesis Group, the creator of the Catholic Crypto Conference, and a co-founder of the Theology of the Body Institute, Envoy Magazine, The Maximus Group, and CatholicExchange.com. Matt has also authored or co-authored more than a dozen Catholic books and educational resources.

Matt is a founding member of the Catholic Marketing Network (CMN), a recipient of the Outstanding Catholic Leadership Award from the Catholic Leadership Institute, and has served on multiple boards. He and his wife Maryanne reside with their children in suburban Philadelphia.

Get your ticket to the Catholic Crypto Conference November 17-18, 2022
VIRTUAL TICKET: possibilitymom.krtra.com/t/nIkQZPvmhUXc

IN-PERSON TICKET: catholiccryptoconference.com/