We Tried Viral Pinterest Photo Ideas (do they work??)


recreating pinterest photos and trying photoshoot ideas at home! we're testing these photo challenges to see if they're just unrealistic trends, or actually attainable to try with your friends! Thrift my ThredUp favorites at tdup.co/SIERRA and use code SIERRA for an extra 35% off your first order! (Offer expires 3/1/24. Applies to US & Canada customers only and only applicable to select merchandise. See site for full terms). This video is sponsored by ThredUp!

Cast //
Kenzie Hanks www.instagram.com/kenzziekay/
Jadyn Mackenzie instagram.com/jadyn.mackenzie
Sierra Schultzzie www.youtube.com/sierrastephenirl

Crew //
Producing Editor- Rachel Resnick www.youtube.com/rachelrambles
Executive Producer- Sierra Schultzzie www.youtube.com/sierrastephenirl
Producer- Jessica J
Producer & Production Supervisor- Kenzie Hanks www.instagram.com/kenzziekay/
Videographer- Ruben Cortez
Production Assistant- Lindsay Rappaport

About The Schultzzie Collective
A collective of women exploring our confidence through fashion, trends, female empowerment, friendship, self improvement, and body image.

Recreating Viral Pinterest Photos (do they work??)

Sierra Schultzzie