Using Media to Reach the Unreached: Two Case Studies - Ján Máhrik, Roger Gihlemoen & Harald Endresen


Media has a highly significant role globally in pre-evangelism and evangelism through a wide variety of channels, platforms, and genres. This talk introduces two different case studies on challenges and opportunities in using media to reach unreached people groups. During this talk, participants are invited to ask clarifying questions.

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Ján Máhrik is a church planter pastoring Za Kostolom church in Žilina, Slovakia. He is passionate about bringing the Gospel and truths of the Bible to the unchurched - sceptic, secular, and post-Christian. He is a host of the award-winning podcast Zabudnute Cesty and author of books including the popular apologetical book "Why I (Don't) Want to Be a Christian".

Roger A. Gihlemoen is an accomplished animation filmmaker with a diverse background in film and visual arts, educated as an Art Director from Westerdal, and recognized with several awards. His work blends technical proficiency with a passion for storytelling, earning him an Emmy nomination for "Tegneby", among other accolades. In 2017, Roger embarked on a mission in Tanzania, creating East Africa's first motion capture project, "The Legacy of Adam", showcasing his innovative problem-solving skills, and overcoming challenges in a region with limited infrastructure. His dedication to create Christian content for children is now bringing one of East Africa's first animated series for children to life, demonstrating his long-term commitment and adaptability in diverse environments.

Harald Endresen is a communicator and fundraiser, journalist and writer. He has been involved in media ministry for almost 25 years in Norea Mediemisjon, an organization based in Kristiansand, Norway. The last 10 years he has been the Communication Director, as well as the PR Director for the animation series "Legacy of Adam". Harald has a vision to use media creatively to transmit the love and light of Jesus in regions of the world where normal mission is difficult or impossible. He holds an MA in Communication from Bethel University. He is married to Jennifer and a father of Peter, Markus and David, and currently serves as an elder at a Presbyterian Evangelical Lutheran Church in his hometown.
