Turning from Catholicism and finding Jesus through the Bible || Watch Nishanth’s testimony
Nishanth shares about how he turned from a strict religious catholic background to discover Jesus in the Bible and to be slowly transformed by His Word and the Holy Spirit. Praise God! ➡️ SUBSCRIBE bit.ly/32BkXsU
“This disciplined life made me follow and obey whatever my parents showed me and I became an obedient, religious catholic. As a child, I would kneel down during my prayers, say my rosaries, divine mercy prayers, and make multiple types of offerings to different saints and different Marys – there was not just one but many types of Marys – as per the catholic church and their rituals.
I used to visit different churches dedicated to the saints that offered masses for the dead. I prayed to the dead saints and paid money to churches in remembrance of my dead relatives. The priest would in return, offer prayers, believing their souls will be reunited with God in heaven as a result.
All this was me and my very self-centered prayers and offerings. I was living in complete darkness and deception, just running around to different saints, idols, and churches to get my prayers answered, because each saint and idol is assigned to specific benefits.
The top religious leaders would declare some new saints and we would start praying to that person, not realizing we were being misled.
I never read the Bible, nor did my parents encourage or teach me to. But from childhood, God had put this truth deep in my heart that the Bible is God's only true Word. I wasn’t aware until I met Jesus personally through His Word.
In catholic churches, they don’t encourage anyone to read the Word. They have another version with additional books known as the Apocrypha.
Only priests would read a particular verse on a Sunday and spend maybe 15 minutes preaching on it and two ushers read a particular verse or a chapter.
So eventually reading the second commandment was an eye opener for me. It says in Exodus 20:3-4, “You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself a carved image — any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them…”
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