The Church (Acoustic) - Bethel Music, Jenn Johnson
Watch "The Church" (Acoustic) led by Jenn Johnson & Bethel Music
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For the different ways we see You, for all the ways You move
All the colors and expressions, oh the beauty of Your Church
What a masterful reflection, when we are unified
Truly celebrate each other and let go of our pride
That You would have a spotless bride
Oh praise the Father, praise the Son
Holy Spirit, make us one
Every nation, tribe and tongue
This is our cry, Your Kingdom come
We surrender our agendas, our preferences, our plans
Would You help us work together to be Your feet and hands
Our heart is just to know You, to show them who You are
The Gospel’s still the answer for every searching heart
Brothers, sisters under the banner of Your Name
Mothers, fathers under the banner of Your Name
All Your children, all for the glory of Your Name
For every story of revival, every miracle we’ve seen
It’s a glimpse of what is coming, so by faith help us believe
And we know the day is coming when we will see Your face
Every knee will bow before You and every heart will say
Lord hear our cry, Your will be done
This is our cry, Your Kingdom come
Written by Jenn Johnson, David Funk, Oscar Gamboa, Gabriel Gamboa, Julian Gamboa, Sebastian Suarez, Abbie Gamboa, Elyssa Smith, and Kristian Stanfill