The 5 Keys to Teaching with Authenticity - Peter Mead


While previous generations may have been impressed by a powerful speaking voice and pulpit presence, we now need to communicate with evident authenticity. In a world where media communicators can control and manipulate what their viewers see about "who they really are," so much presentation is just for show. We need to know where genuine authenticity comes from in preaching and teaching. In this talk, we consider five keys to authentic communication in today’s confusing world.

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Peter Mead is the director of Cor Deo, a ministry training programme in Chippenham, England. He is also part of the leadership team of Trinity Chippenham, a church Peter helped to plant back in 2014. Peter is a lecturer for Union School of Theology. He studied at Multnomah Biblical Seminary before getting his Doctor of Ministry degree under Haddon Robinson at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in the area of expository preaching. Peter is the author of Pleased to Dwell, Lost in Wonder, and Foundations (Christian Focus) as well as The Little Him Book (10ofThose/10Publishing), and the preaching blog: He is married to Melanie and they have six children.
