Reproducing Mature Disciples Ready for Leadership - Mike Betts


The mission of the church will only be able to be fulfilled according to the availability and readiness of emerging leaders. They will need to have been effectively discipled by experienced leaders so that there is an entrustment which enables the mission to be widened in scope and for it to have longevity to go forward with future generations. As those who disciple, we need to recognise and call out grace in others. It is a role akin to father and son, mother and daughter. It is a family and relational dynamic, rather than one of pure methodology. In this session we will look at key principles involved in the raising up of mature disciples who are ready to lead at all levels. They will be those who carry the same values and vision that we carry, and who are also able to lead and disciple others, not by copying methods, but by imparting the biblical vision and values and encouraging the development of God-given grace in others. We consider: How do we identify what we often do intuitively and train others in it? How do we develop the character and skills in others most effectively?

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Mike Betts is one of the leaders of Relational Mission, a family of churches itself part of the wider Newfrontiers group. Mike is the author of From the Inside Out, Relational Mission: A Way of Life, The Prayers of Many, and Everyone a Witness. Mike enjoys serving the church, helping her realise and enjoy her inheritance in Christ. This involves church planting, gospel expansion, empowering the poor, developing corporate prayer, and seeing the next generation grow into all that God has for them. Mike is married to Sue. They live in the UK and are currently serving predominantly in North London. Relational Mission seeks to plant and strengthen churches in the UK, mainland Europe, and across growing global connections. 
