Repenting of self-reliance to find an authentic relationship with God || Watch Andrew's testimony


Andrew shares how he began to have an authentic relationship with God after being convicted of his desire for control and his idolisation of his mother. As he repented, the Holy Spirit showed him how God sees him and his spiritual gifts. Praise God! ➡️ SUBSCRIBE

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"I've always branded myself as a Christian, but never really had any real relationship with God, given my self-reliance tendency as well.

I never saw that was a problem and I've always subtly believed that there is a spiritual versus practical divide. I tend to believe that God is the Creator, but I'm still the captain of my own ship. So, relating to God was never really a concern for me and I valued how people look at me a lot more than how God relates with me.

I tend to believe that I need to be in control all the time, and my mother, being pivotal in my growing up, continued to function as the source of truth when life's difficulties arose. I would consult her on almost everything, including most of my problems and priorities.

Striving was still my modus operandi, and I always felt that my relationship with God was half baked.

I found myself praying out of obligation and I didn't generally feel His presence in all my prayers. My joy comes mostly from activities with like-minded people, instead of relating to Him. I did not feel peace by praying and I continued to agitate on the next thing I need to complete or take care of, with the false belief that my identity is still self-made, instead of coming from God."

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About Teaching Humble Hearts
With over 150 testimonies, Teaching Humble Hearts aims to point disciples of Jesus towards an authentic relationship with God, and shed light on the obstacles that stand in our way. We seek to provide practical answers on how to develop the spiritual discernment, power, love, and self-control to thrive in a confusing and broken world. Visit our website ►