Releasing pent-up fear and grief over lack of father's approval || Watch Bernard's testimony


Bernard grew up with a demanding and strict father. This caused a lot of insecurity. God showed Bernard in a vision that he was unable to move forward because he was still held back by an "opened parachute" that had already landed him on the ground. God invited him to let go and walk forward with Him instead. ➡️ SUBSCRIBE

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"I'm always afraid of being judged, constantly seeking for others’ affirmation and which caused a lot of insecurity within me.

Over the last couple of years, this COVID fatigue really challenged me in every aspect of life and work. This pandemic is like a disaster recorded in the Books of Genesis and Exodus, the historical events that really shook up mankind. It is a wake up call, in particular to myself.

But then, knowing God is in control is sobering and also comforting. Only through our prayers and through Jesus, we can discern God's will. We oftentimes pray with our mentors, our friends. God really gave us a vision. The vision is that I'm on the plateau, landed already with an open parachute. Imagine you’re landed. Why are you still stationary, not moving forward. Why am I being entangled by my past and pulled back constantly? How can I move forward?"

#christian #God #Jesus #testimony #ministry #HolySpirit #salvation

About Teaching Humble Hearts
With over 150 testimonies, Teaching Humble Hearts aims to point disciples of Jesus towards an authentic relationship with God, and shed light on the obstacles that stand in our way. We seek to provide practical answers on how to develop the spiritual discernment, power, love, and self-control to thrive in a confusing and broken world. Visit our website ►