Receiving forgiveness and freedom from shame || Watch Fiona's testimony
Fiona describes how she overcame her shame and guilt over a past abortion as a result of God's loving counsel and forgiveness. ➡️ SUBSCRIBE
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"As I prayed and asked God why I did not want children and waited to hear from Him, I heard the word, abortion. And suddenly I understood the word afresh.
I had repented of my abortion a couple of years ago, cut soul ties with the clinic, physician, and my well-meaning then-boyfriend, God bless him. And yet my spirit now knew that what I had repented of wasn't what God had seen as a sin. I had seen it as an act that He disliked but now I saw that in His eyes, it was murder.
I had destroyed one of His creations that was carefully, fearfully, and wonderfully made. I had devalued His creation. I now understood. I had murdered. I was a murderer. And so, I repented, apologised, and asked for forgiveness, and then marveled at His grace. Thank you for Jesus. Could it be that the God of the universe loves me, a murderer? Forgives me for murdering His child? Praise God that it is not by my works. Praise God for Jesus’ righteousness..”
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With over 150 testimonies, Teaching Humble Hearts aims to point disciples of Jesus towards an authentic relationship with God, and shed light on the obstacles that stand in our way. We seek to provide practical answers on how to develop the spiritual discernment, power, love, and self-control to thrive in a confusing and broken world. Visit our website ►