RAW & REAL Q&A | Adjusting to Parenthood & Catch Up with Us!


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Welcome to a Coffee and Bible Time! I am so excited that you are here today to catch up with us for this car chat, raw and real Q&A! We are adjusting to parenthood and life is completely new for us - so we wanted to catch you up on our lives and where we are at now and what God has been teaching us recently! We hope you enjoy this question and answer - and THANK YOU to all who submitted questions over on our instagram! We love you!!
Blessings and hugs,
Ashley and Johnny

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Bible Dictionary: amzn.to/47I8e5Q
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Pencil Pouch: amzn.to/3HpD8Fh
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Intro: 0:00-1:25
What's the most surprising thing about being and mom and dad?: 1:25-5:34
How do you find alone time to be with God?: 5:34-7:56
Good devotional books?: 7:56-8:50
How can I tell if it's a desire from myself or from God?: 8:50-11:38
How do you pray together as husband and wife and as a family?: 11:38-12:15
Do you ever struggle with fear and anxiety during the first trimester?: 12:18-14:00
Has ministry looked differently since having a baby?: 14:00-15:02
Favorite C.S. Lewis Book?: 15:02-16:07
Advice for conflict with spouse when you don't see eye to eye on something? 16:07-18:30
How has your relationship changed after having a baby?: 18:30-19:47
How is Johnny feeling with dad life?: 19:47-23:09

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