Prune to Prioritize Growth: Cutting Out the Junk


Prune to Prioritize Growth: Cutting Out the Junk | Tom Ferry Podcast Experience

How do you prioritize growth? Often times, it’s not about adding more – it’s about cutting down. The principles of real estate are just like the principles of gardening; you have to prune if you want something to grow.

In this episode of the Tom Ferry Podcast Experinece, Tom sits down with Jimmy Mackin, Jason Pantana, and the No. 1 team leader in the UK, Matt Nicol, to discuss the keys to business pruning so you can prioritize growth.

You’ll get clear insights into discovering what’s not working in your business, what’s slowing you down, and how you can trim the fat to empower your efforts.

But what if you’ve been trying to prioritize growth and you can’t see what’s slowing you down? That’s what we’re here for. Schedule a quick consultation to see how to Tom Ferry business coach can help:

In this episode, we discuss…
0:00 – About Matt’s business
4:00 – Pruning for growth
8:22 – One of two paths
14:00 – When things go sideways
21:45 – Accelerating progress
26:27 – Best thing an agent should prune

And don't forget to sign up for TAG event coming soon here!

Interested in a FREE Coaching Consultation? Click Here:

For the majority of my life, I’ve been passionate and dedicated to changing lives by giving away the very best strategies, tactics, and mindset techniques to help you and your business succeed. Join me as we take this to level 10!

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