In this video of Morning prayer: the topic is do not despise your small beginnings.  Where you start does not determine where you go.

Bible verses about small beginnings

“Don’t despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.” Zechariah 4:10 NLT

We live in a world where small beginnings are definitely not celebrated. We want instant abs, drive-through everything, and overnight success. We want big, bold, and beautiful without the behind-the-scenes blood, sweat, and tears. But anyone who’s accomplished anything worth mentioning will tell you: Small is essential.

In this video, I share my testimony of living in Houston, Texas, while being a waiter and catering and learning how to be humble and starting over while living in a new city. It was challenging, but there was someone that I met that changed my entire mindset moving forward.

I thank God for my small beginnings and starting over . My prayer to you is that you have the courage to not overlook your small beginnings or being afraid to start over. God has some thing for you. You just have to be patient and see it through. #prayer #testimony #devotional