Overcoming childhood insecurities and experiencing a new freedom || Watch Debbie's testimony
Debbie shares how she began healing from childhood pain and anxieties as she chose to obey God and trust in His promises she found in the Bible. SUBSCRIBE bit.ly/32BkXsU
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"The reality of the matter is that childhood hurt grows up with you and becomes the same adult hurt. And through all that time of trying to make my own future and trying to be my own person, I had so many broken relationships, whether it was with friends or others, whether it was at work. I was so easily hurt. And at the same time, I so easily hurt others. And it came to a point of time when I asked myself; “If God is perfect, and I believe that He is, then if I can’t have a relationship with a God who is perfect, what chance did I have friends with family or with other people around me? I said, “God, I am going to have a proper long-term relationship with You.”
#christian #God #Jesus #testimony #ministry #HolySpirit #salvation #trauma #insecurity
About Teaching Humble Hearts
With over 150 testimonies, Teaching Humble Hearts aims to point disciples of Jesus towards an authentic relationship with God, and shed light on the obstacles that stand in our way. We seek to provide practical answers on how to develop the spiritual discernment, power, love, and self-control to thrive in a confusing and broken world. Visit our website ► www.teachinghumblehearts.com