Luke Dimyan on Playing Judas in "The Chosen": "His Loyalties Are Challenged" | Season 5 Interview


In this exclusive interview, actor Luke Dimyan reveals the complex humanity behind his portrayal of Judas Iscariot in "The Chosen" Season 5. The 28-year-old actor explains how he approaches one of history's most infamous figures not as a one-dimensional villain, but as a man torn between multiple loyalties. #TheChosen #LukeDimyan #JudasIscariot #Season5 #TheChosenSeries #BiblicalDrama

00:00 Introduction
00:49 Portraying Judas Iscariot
02:24 Judas' Internal Struggles
03:42 Re-learning Judas
05:20 Memorable Experiences With Fans
06:39 On Season 5 Characters and Story
07:52 The Personal Impact of Playing Judas
09:02 Hints On Season 6
09:55 Conclusion

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