LIVE Special: Pete Greig Unpacks 25 Years of Prayer | 24-7 Prayer


24-7 Prayer

Does the world still need non-stop prayer?<br />
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In this special live podcast recording, Brian and Hannah are joined by Pete Greig, the founder of 24-7 Prayer. These old friends go right back to the beginning to tell the story of how a single prayer room became a global movement. With never-before-shared stories and lots of laughter, their conversation covers highs and lows from a quarter-century of continuous prayer.<br />
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They explore the birth of Lectio 365 and what the future of the app might look like, engage in the theology behind prayer rooms, and consider the question: 25 years on, does the world still need day and night prayer? Then, in a first for the 24-7 Prayer Podcast, Brian, Hannah and Pete get to answer questions from the audience! Has there ever been a time when Pete thought 24-7 Prayer should end? (Yes.) What’s one of his worst-ever ideas? (You’ll have to listen to find out.) <br />
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#prayer #podcast #petegreig #247prayer #globalchurch #nonstopprayer