Lead with Faith • Pastor Allen Jackson


➡️ The recipe for leaders doesn’t start with talent, celebrity, or even success—but with character. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses leadership and how our idea of good leadership must emerge from a biblical worldview. Leadership begins with being aware of what God is doing and what He’s asked us to do, and our determined pursuit of that objective. Pastor Allen also encourages us to list the times God has revealed His faithfulness to us in our personal lives, and allow that list to encourage us as we navigate new challenges and assignments.

❇ A message from Pastor Allen Jackson at World Outreach Church in Murfreesboro, TN - January 8, 2022 - Lead with Faith

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🔴 Chapters:
2:06 Offertory Prayer
5:45 Lead with Faith
8:23 Leadership with a Biblical Worldview (Matthew 24 verses 1-3 and Revelation 4 verses 1-2)
27:06 Remember Your Deliverances! (Psalm 106 verses 6-7, Exodus 14 verses 10-12, Psalm 106 verses 9-15, Exodus 15 verses 22-24, Deuteronomy 4 verse 9, Jeremiah 3 verse 21, Matthew 16 verses 8-9, and Mark 8 verses 17-19)
57:37 Spiritual Disciplines/Spiritual Leaders
58:05 40 Days of Fasting (1 day/week)
59:17 40 Days of Bible Reading (40 minutes a day)
1:00:12 40 Days of Prayer
1:01:48 Prayer