just soft (original song)


been sitting on this song for like a year... and idk... didn't feel like it needed a second verse or anything. i said all i wanted to say. decided to drop it here.

hey i'm goin on tour with Emily King in May2023! Get your tickets here!
special occasion tix | emilykingmusic.com/tour
instagram | instagram.com/whatisjoedoing
facebook | facebook.com/whatisjoedoing
twitter | twitter.com/whatisjoedoing
podcast | pod.link/1493429809

hey! many are always asking "what kind of .... did you use for this?" well here is my equipment. using my Amazon shop links help a ton! It's still Amazon, and it's still the price you would pay normally. I help you, you help me :)


#josephsolomon #josephsolomonmusic #whatisjoedoing