Is God Telling You to Give Someone a Chance?

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4 signs that might mean God is telling you to give someone a chance.

1. If You Are Unsure if You Like Someone and You Are in a Season Where You Are Prepared to Date

You don’t need to know the future to date someone. Through dating, you can get your questions answered.

2. If Someone Has the Biblical Characteristics of a Godly Husband or Wife But You Are Finding It Difficult to Connect with Them Right Away

There’s not always an instant connection. Sometimes it takes time.

3. If You Truly Like Them as a Friend But They Like You as More Than a Friend, God Could Be Telling You to Give Them a Chance

Opposite-sex friendships aren’t built to last. Even if it ruins the friendship, usually a chance of romance is worth the sacrifice.

4. If You Truly Enjoy This Person’s Company But You Are Not Overly Attracted to Him or Her

Physical attraction is needed, but sometimes it grows as the emotional attraction builds.