I Thought If My Husband Was Quiet, He Didn't Love Me


April Cassidy



The Peaceful Wife book

The Peaceful Mom book

I used to always interpret silence as hatred. And it can be. But there are a lot of other things silence can mean, as well.

For my husband, if he is quiet it may mean:
- He is thinking about a problem and trying to figure out a solution.
- He needs a bit of time to himself to recharge as an introvert.
- He doesn't have a desire for constant talking/communication.
- He is tired.
- He would like some peace.

And when I used to try to pressure and push him, he often chose silence to avoid saying something that would make things worse. Or, sadly, because he felt that I wouldn't listen and like he didn't have a voice in our relationship. He knew I would be upset no matter what he said and that I would assume the worst about him even if it wasn't true.

I'm so thankful that now we can have silence and enjoy each other with contentment. And we also have a lot more times when we talk and listen, really seeking to understand and appreciate each other and our differences.

Much love!

A = Admit you are a sinner and you can't be perfect and holy enough in God's eyes to be right with Him on your own. Turn away from your sin. "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Rom. 3:23

B = Believe that Jesus (God in the flesh) died on your behalf to pay the price for your sin and to give you a way to be right with God - to be forgiven. He lived the perfect life you couldn't live. He died the death you deserve and rose from the dead in victory over sin, death, and the grave on your behalf! "The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus, our Lord." Rom. 6:23

C = Confess that Jesus is your Lord - this means, Jesus is now your Master and you live your life for Him and His glory rather than for yourself. You say it out loud to others and you live it from now on. "If you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with your heart you believe and are justified, and with your mouth you confess and are saved." Rom. 10:9-10