How to Make Money as a Life Coach: with Metanoia Catholic's Erin Ingold
Are you curious how to make money as a life coach? Curious what a coaching session looks like, how to charge for it, and when you're "ready" to charge for it?
This week, I'm bringing on the podcast my dear friend, coach and co-founder of Metanoia Catholic, where I received my life coaching certification.
Life coaching has transformed both of our lives on a personal level. But it has also been a way we have both contributed significantly to our family finances. Coaching is our livelihood. It's how our bills get paid. It's how we are able to support causes and people we believe in.
And if it's your calling, we think you can make money as a life coach too.
Join Metanoia Catholic's Catholic Coaching Certification and when you sign up through my link, you'll get my Coach Start-Up Package, which includes a coaching call with me to dial in your value proposition (a $500 value), a 3 page website build on Kartra (a $1500 value), and a pricing and marketing launch strategy coaching call (a $500 value).
Join via my affiliate link here:
Listen to the Catholic Coaching Podcast:
Listen to Lisa, Erin and Matt talk money:
It's not too late to join my break your cell phone addiction challenge this Lent: