How To Keep Going When Life Feels Impossible (How to Accept Help and Feel God's Love in the Process)


Over the last week, our family has been through a trial. In the wee hours of last Saturday morning (while I was away at a speaking engagement in London, Ontario), our 9-year-old daughter was admitted to hospital. What I thought was going to be a fast steroid treatment for an asthma attack, turned into a multi-day stay for our sweet girl, and a relocation for our family to a home without the allergy that triggered her asthma in the first place.

It's been a week.

Today on the podcast, I'm unpacking the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual things that have helped me keep going when it has felt impossible, and some thoughts on how to accept help and feel God's love through it all.

Helpful links:
Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence:

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