How to Engage with Different Worldviews and Respond to Difficult Questions - Alexander Fink
Many Christians are very eager to share the good news and quote bible passages but then feel frustrated when the messages seem to fall flat. One reason might often be that we are using the gospel like an advertising flyer instead of an individual letter that should speak to a person’s life circumstances. Jesus usually starts from the person and shares the gospel differently with everyone. In this talk, we discover how we can understand people, think through their worldviews and life concepts, and communicate the gospel in an appropriate way. And we see that there is a biblical way to deal honestly, fairly, and effectively with difficult questions.
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Alexander Fink is Director of the Institute for Faith and Science (Institut für Glaube und Wissenschaft) in Marburg, Germany ( He studied physics at Bayreuth and St. Andrews (UK) universities and received his PhD at the Institute for Biophysics at the University of Regensburg. After working as an industrial product manager, he became the director of the SMD graduates' ministry (Akademiker-SMD, the German branch of IFES) until 2014. Since 2008, he has been a member of the ELF Steering Committee and has co-led the Scientists Network. He is the editor of the "Begründet-glauben-Podcast" ( and has produced three documentary movies, "Fascinating Universe", "More than My Brain", and “Is there meaning in suffering?” which were officially recommended for use in secular public schools. Together with his wife, Alexander enjoys raising his two children, preaching and leading a house group in his local church, and being a youth soccer trainer in his local sports club.