How to Be a Christian in Academia: The Three Mandates - David Sandifer
In our engagement with the world, evangelicals often wrestle with the tension between the 'creation mandate' and the 'gospel mandate'. But there is a third mandate for the people of God that is just as central to our witness: the 'holiness mandate'. This seminar unpacks the three mandates and will explore applications to the particular context of Christians working in the academic sphere.
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David Sandifer was born and raised in France, of American parents. He holds a Ph.D. in history, from the University of Cambridge (2014). He spent 20 years in pastoral ministry in the U.S. and Australia, and also worked for a Christian public advocacy organisation in Australia, where he co-launched an on-going campaign to protect children from online pornography. He currently lectures in the area of practical theology and ethics at Tyndale Theological Seminary in the Netherlands.