Hope for the Gentiles: The Gospel of Mark | @Our Daily Bread
Travel to Rome and Israel with host Michael Card to explore the life and character of Jesus through the experiences of Peter as captured by Mark. You'll visit the Mamertine Prison, Circus Maximus, the Roman Forum, and significant landmarks in Israel that help to reveal the struggles, suffering, and pain endured by non-Jewish believers who followed Jesus.
Gain a fresh perspective on the meaning of discipleship. Discover how you can find hope, healing, and encouragement in the face of trials through Jesus Christ.
"Hope for the Gentiles" explores the life and character of Jesus, offers a fresh perspective on the costs of following Jesus, and encourages trust in Jesus to find hope and healing in the face of trials.
00:00-01:22: Introduction
01:22-03:38: The Beginning
03:38-06:07: Who Is Mark?
06:07-13:03: The Mamertine Prison
13:03-17:17: The Fiery Trial
17:17-20:41: Nero
20:41-25:17: Wild Beasts
25:17-28:43: The Call of Peter
28:43-31:00: Ministry Out of Control
31:00-34:43: The Leper
34:43-37:25: Service of the Sod
37:25-40:16: The Demonic Storm
40:16-44:10: The Demoniac
44:10-48:58: The Two Healings
48:58-51:30: The Feeding of the 5,000
51:30-54:32: Two Healings Tell a Story
54:32-56:25: The Healing of a Blind Man
56:25-59:40: Believing Before Seeing
59:40-1:03:19: The Substance of Faith
1:03:19-1:06:25: Children in His Arms
1:06:25-1:09:09: The Jewel
1:09:09-1:13:01: Lesson from the Leaves
1:13:01-1:16:41: Mary's Anointing
1:16:41-1:21:16: A Centurion's Confession
1:21:16-1:25:43: Believing Without Seeing
1:25:43-1:26:06: End Credits
"Hope for the Gentiles: The Gospel of Mark" was created by Day of Discovery and presented by Our Daily Bread Ministries.
#gospel #ourdailybread #michaelcard #dayofdiscovery #gospelofmark #Jesus