Heartfelt Prayer for Hope, Patience, and Peace | Romans 12:12 #hopeprayer #oneminuteprayer


Rejoice in Hope: A Powerful Prayer for Strength and Endurance

In times of uncertainty and trial, we find peace and strength in God’s Word. This heartfelt prayer, inspired by Romans 12:12, is a reminder to *"rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer."* Join in this prayer to embrace God’s promises, renew your spirit, and rest in His love. May this prayer bring you hope, patience, and peace today.

🙏 **Let us lift our hearts together and find comfort in God’s unchanging love.**

**Bible Verse:** Romans 12:12
**"Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer."**

If this prayer touches your heart, please like, share, and subscribe for more uplifting prayers.

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#spiritualjourneychannel #Godsblessings #dailyprayers
VoiceOver - Alida Dsouza
Video Editing By Nigel Dsouza in Canva Pro
Music From YouTube Audio Library