He Has Done Great Things (Acoustic) - Bethel Music, Brian Johnson


Watch "He Has Done Great Things" (Acoustic) led by Brian Johnson & Bethel Music

“He Has Done Great Things (Live),” led by Brian Johnson, is a beautiful depiction of the gospel and the sacrifice of Jesus. With inspiration from Psalm 103, it leads listeners to remember the gift of God’s everlasting love, mercy, and forgiveness.

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He has done great things
He has done great things
Arms open wide, the Lamb crucified
Worthy is He

He has done great things
Our God has done great things
Thorns on His brow, grace flowing down
Worthy is He

As high as the heavens above
Great is His everlasting love
Rivers of mercy run over us
As far as the east from the west
He has removed all our sin
We are forgiven by His blood

Written by Brian Johnson, Jason Ingram, Phil Wickham, Chris Tomlin, and Jonas Myrin