Have We Lost Our Ability to Honor One Another? (Part I) Ep. 1321: Christian Questions Podcast


Christian Questions


Our society is in trouble. In many ways, it seems that we have lost our way, and we no longer have a general sense of societal respect. Maybe it’s just me, but when I was a kid, I was clearly shown the importance of valuing others. We were taught to respect those in charge, and respect those who enforced the law and kept order. We were taught to have high esteem for parents and educators. We were taught to appreciate and value all who did whatever their part was, be it big or small. Now it seems we are taught respect should be demanded from others and not given. Our go-to approach encourages disrespecting and demeaning any who don’t fit our personal perceptions of how we think life should look. Interestingly, the Bible has a lot to say about how honor and respect should work!

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Listen to Part II here: www.youtube.com/watch

Here are some questions we answer in this podcast:

[00:13:21] What is the biblical comparison of natural crops of food to our own spiritual maturity in Christ?

[00:29:33] How highly do esteem the precious promises God gives to those who follow His will?

[00:44:41] Am I pausing to consider the spiritual lessons of what God considers to be precious and honored?

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