Filming a wedding as a new mom! | Pumping at work + Wedding BTS at Disney Springs


Hi all!
Welcome to my channel! I'm so excited to be back to YouTube making regular content. My life has shifted pretty dramatically and the type of content I produce is bound to reflect that. Something I've been so in awe of as a new mom is the amount of effort that it takes to feed your baby. In my experience, I have really never seen mom's pumping while away from their babies. It wasn't until I started breastfeeding that I learned how this act to maintain supply and feed one's baby is done nearly invisibly. The amount of respect I have for women and mother's has increased exponentially as I've gone through this journey. I wanted to share a little of what it looks like for me as a wedding videographer going back to work and having to continue pumping. Typically on a wedding day I find lulls or breaks to sneak away for ten to fifteen minutes to pump and keep the milk chilled until I can bring it home to be frozen for later consumption. This wedding we were driving to different locations which provided the perfect opportunity to pump privately. I misspoke during the video and say that this allowed me to not "interrupt" the wedding's events. For the record, doing this never interrupts a wedding day. It is just something I have to interject into downtimes in a timeline while my second shooter/husband takes over.

I'm excited to start bringing you along for a behind the scenes look at fun wedding days like these!

Pumping on the go has been made significantly easier for my by using the MomCozy M5. This is a hands-free pump that I put on my registry when I was pregnant and have loved using on the job at wedding days!

Venues: Disney's Grand Floridian Resort and Spa
Paddlefish Orlando at Disney Springs
