Episode 24: What Kind of Father is God?
Join us for Lesson 2 in our six-week summer series based on our Living in the Father’s Love Bible study. Today, Lisa and Laura talk about God’s boundless love for us, while acknowledging that for many, our experience of father has fallen way short. When our earthly fathers disappoint us, it can be hard to trust God. But there is good news—no matter what, we can all find our way back to Abba, Father! As we study this lesson together, we hold hearts gently and ask the Holy Spirit to guide us. So grab your study guide, grab a friend, and let’s discover the truth about our Father. This is an episode you do not want to miss.
Open your Heart to our key Scripture.
1 Corinthians 13:4–8: Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends.
Open your Bible to other Scriptures referenced in this episode.
1 John 4:16: God is love.
John 3:16: God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son.
Hebrews 1:3: He is the reflection of God’s glory and the exact imprint of God’s very being.
John 14:3–7: “And when I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. And you know the way where I am going.” Thomas said to him, “Lord, we do not know where you are going; how can we know the way?” Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but by me. If you had known me, you would have known my Father also; henceforth you know him and have seen him.”
Romans 8:15: For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you received a spirit of adoption, through which we cry, “Abba, Father!”
Invite Him in with this episode’s reflection.
Download the Praying from the Heart Guided Prayer Journal bookmark (walkingwithpurpose.com/podcast/what-kind-of-father-is-god/). Prayerfully read the list of God’s qualities listed on the bookmark, then journal the ones that you want to believe in more wholeheartedly. Read this list each day, looking for ways that God is revealing Himself to you through these very characteristics.
Work through Lesson 3: What is the Purpose of My Life in Living in the Father’s Love (shop.walkingwithpurpose.com/collections/study-guides/products/living-in-the-fathers-love-bible-study).
Show mentions.
CCC 239
John Bartunek, The Better Part
CCC 27
Julian of Norwich, quote
Father Dave Pivonka, TOR, Wild Goose TV, My father’s Father
Lisa Brenninkmeyer, Walking with Purpose, Praying from the Heart: Guided Prayer Journal (shop.walkingwithpurpose.com/collections/books-devotionals/products/praying-from-the-heart-guided-prayer-journal)
Using code BOGOHOPE, purchase one Living in the Father’s Love (shop.walkingwithpurpose.com/collections/study-guides/products/living-in-the-fathers-love-bible-study) and get a second one at 50% off. Limit one use per customer. This offer ends July 15, 2024.
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