Episode 12: When Worry Keeps You Awake at Night



Join us for Episode 12 in our seven-week series, The Psalms of Ascent: A Lenten Pilgrimage. The word translated “ascent” means “to go up.” It gives an idea of being on a journey, moving to a higher place spiritually. In this week's episode, Lisa and Laura dive into Psalm 134 and ask the question, “Why do our heads fill with worry as soon as they hit the pillow?” We are experts at keeping ourselves busy during the day. But then the night comes: it’s dark and quiet. What happens then? If worry keeps you awake, grab your Bible (and a cup of strong coffee!) and get ready to invite Him in. He has a word of comfort for you.
Open your Heart to our key Scripture. 
Psalm 134:1–3. Praise in the Night.Come, bless the Lord,All you servants of the Lord,Who stand by night in the house of the Lord! Lift up your hands to the holy place, And bless the Lord.May the Lord bless you from Zion,He who made heaven and earth.
Open your Bible to other Scriptures referenced in this episode. Psalm 100:4: Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise!Luke 6:12: In these days he went out to the hills to pray; and all night he continued in prayer to God.Psalm 119:62: At midnight, I shall rise to give thanks to You Because of Your righteous ordinances.Acts 16:25: About midnight, Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God.Numbers 6:23–27: The Lord bless you and keep you: The Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you: The Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.Hebrews 13:15: Through Him then, let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name.
Invite Him in with this episode’s reflection.Take some time to journal praise and thanksgiving to God for these three things:Who He is…What He does…What He gives…
Show mentions.Elevation Worship, Praise
F.B. Meyer, Quote 
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