Conquering anger, guilt, and jealousy to trust God || Watch Winnie and Jeff’s miscarriage testimony


Winnie and Jeff talk about how their perspectives of God and their life desires were challenged by the grief and trauma of a miscarriage, and how they had to realign their personal attitudes toward God. ➡️ SUBSCRIBE

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0:24 Today is actually a very significant date for us because tomorrow, it is supposed to be a date that we would meet our newborn in person.

After going through this miscarriage, we realised that there were a lot of areas that we'd never dealt with before. Actually, miscarriage is a big deal. It isn't something that we can push aside easily. It is not a bigger deal than any other trauma or loss that you may have experienced or we've experienced. There are many unexplained feelings that we never felt before. And these feelings were bizarre that appeared at random times that would be very new to us; a lot of shame, a lot of anger with God, injustice with the world, a lot of guilt. Were we doing the wrong things? So a lot of the feelings surfaced and happened.

We discovered also that actually, the way I grieved and the way Winnie grieved was also very different. Surprisingly, I actually grieved longer than Winnie, but I grieved a lot more silently. Grieving is a very unique experience and there is no one size fits all.

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With over 150 testimonies, Teaching Humble Hearts aims to point disciples of Jesus towards an authentic relationship with God, and shed light on the obstacles that stand in our way. We seek to provide practical answers on how to develop the spiritual discernment, power, love, and self-control to thrive in a confusing and broken world. Visit our website ►