Chapter 6 - Forgiving What You Can't Forget - iB Book Club




Let's' dive into Chapter 7 of Lysa Terkeurst's book, Forgiving What You Can't Forget.

This chapter is all about... yeah, I know... the one thing no one wants to come forward with... vulnerability.

What I found so heart-aching yet inspiring in this chapter is that Lysa declares that she had given up on herself, diminishing her worth and beauty, long before her husband, Art, ever hurt her.

Lysa not only realizing but discussing this with us–the thousands and thousands of people who will read this book- showcases a true sign of self-reflection. It's also a sign that forgiveness is something she is actively participating in. (Isn't it inspiring when we see a big-name Christian author practicing what they preach? Especially the hard, awkward, vulnerable stuff?)

Of course, the process of forgiveness is messy, and sometimes it's most certainly a journey that feels much like taking ten steps forward but 100 steps backward. Nonetheless, when we see each other as GOd's creatures, as humans worthy of forgiveness, and we recognize that we, too, are in the same boat of needing God's grace, we are much more